S2E29 - Avatar: The Last Airbender (feat. Nina) - Sana the Liberator

back in the devin retrieval arc, we have a brand new guest nina on to talk about a long awaited topic in avatar! there's a lot in here about south asian representation and balance and etcetera but mostly it's about cabbages.

S2E27 - Swiss Army Man - Composure the Friend

Taking a break from the Devin Retrieval arc to celebrate the holidays. By which I mean talk about what we do (and mostly don’t) like about our bodies. Fun for the whole family!

S2E26 - God's Not Dead (feat. Lilith) - Flower the Stereotype

in season 1, lilith made one of our best OCs. in season 2, they return with a single quest: make our worst ever OC.

S2E25 - Chopped (feat. Jon Prime) - Tristan Moreau the Perfectionist

welcome to the devin retrieval arc! while he's out, amber autumn gets returning guest jon prime back to talk about chopped, where we get to think about food and cooking and our relationships to each of those things. also we make a bunch of ratatouille references.

S2E24 - But I’m a Cheerleader - Richard the Kolófardos

Would we be so bold as to make a straight OC for what is truly landmark Queer Cinema? Sorta kinda maybe?

S2E23 - Star Trek Trilogy: Starfleet Ensign (feat. Isaac) - Xiops the Romulan

the conclusion of our three-part star trek series takes a look at one of the less "classic" corners of the mega-franchise in lower decks, and we talk about romulans, fantasy archetypes, and communism.

S2E22 - Star Trek Trilogy: Romantic Interest (feat. Taylor) - Gilby Maþers the Travelling Businessman

join us for the second part of our star trek trilogy, when special guest taylor gets personal about star trek's relationship to identity and queerness and the political implications of what we talk about when we talk about "utopias." it's an extremely vulnerable and thought provoking episode in which we say the f-slur about a hundred times.

S2E21 - Star Trek Trilogy: Alien of the Week (feat. Dylan Roth) - Lorna the Truth Teller

“If Star Trek can get a pass for having Klingons wearing Mexican #2, why can’t Cloud Atlas?” -Dylan Roth 2023

We sure do hope you enjoy the first of our Star Trek trilogy and all that time we spend talking about things that aren’t Star Trek. Today you’ll learn why this is the tentpole science-fiction franchise to have made a lasting impact on guest host Dylan Roth AND why public transit is actually pretty dope.

Find Are You Afraid of the Dark Universe wherever you find your podcasts!

S2E20 - How We’d do Spider-Man 4 100TH EPISODE SPECIAL

Today we go back to the franchise that started it all.