S1E76 - How We'd Cast the Dark Universe

yes, we're returning to the same well, but this time we're casting all of the characters in our version of the dark universe. there are some bangers in here but we don't find a place to cast, for instance, keanu reeves, so expect more from this in future.

S1E75 - Order of the Stick (feat. Noah and JUDE) - Darkraven Nightshade The Edgy Monk

Three nerds who never found the clitoris are very excited to tell you all about the best high fantasy epic you’ve never heard of, Order of the Stick! A series described by our guests as “the best character writing they’ve ever read” and “better than Babylon 5.” These stick figures will pull at your heartstrings and tickle your funny bone. Or so I’ve been told because I (Devin) haven’t read it, nor will I be talking this episode. Good thing we’ve got two guests to make up for it!

S1E74 - A Crown of Candy - Colonel Cornelius the Nomad Messiah

In the final installment of the DIMENSION 20 TRILOGY Devin tells Amber all about the wonder and totally not at all sinister world of Calorum. Devin gushes very hard because he thinks A Crown Of Candy is without a doubt the best season of Dimension 20 to date and Amber listens. We make a bohemian corn man with guyliner and a leather jacket, like the one Jamie Lannister wore in season 3 of Game of Thrones. And hey, that’s the thing Crown Of Candy is based on! Rate and review please!

S1E73 - Portal - Shelly Hathaway the East Coast Administrator

sometimes when you're editing an episode, you will see a small discrepancy in the soundbars indicating one host is speaking more than the other. anyway, we hope you're excited to hear amber autumn monologue about a decades-old video game duology for 48 consecutive minutes.

S1E72 - Unsleeping City (feat. Reggie) - Amir the Bodega Monk

Part 2 of our Dimension 20 trilogy, in which Amber Autumn says "I refuse to edit this" and then ends up editing it anyway. There is much discussion about the big apple. Also this one has a cat in it.

S1E71 - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Le Pony The Window Maker

We talk about the 4th generation of the show made to sell toy ponies to little girls. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a good show, actually. Fight us.

Devin’s Fantasy High OC Thrash Sharpscales The Theater Kid

A smaller installment where Devin talks about one of his many, many brain children. What happens when a Changeling is raised by lizardfolk? SURVIVORS GUILT. If you’d like to know why, then check out the episode.

S1E70 - Fantasy High (feat. Hans) - Gregori Strongthumbs The Coin Master

We apologize for the audio hiccups in this episode, there was a backdraft in Hans' feed.

THE FIRST INSTALLMENT OF OUR ILLUSTRIOUS DIMENSION 20 TRILOGY! Hans and Devin are here to talk and Amber is here to listen. Hopefully it’s not awful because one half of the podcast (Devin) feels incredibly embarrassed about this episode. So be sure to assuage these fears by reviewing us on your podcast app of choice.

S1E69 - Netflix Daredevil (feat. Reggie) - Mister Fear The False God

Amber makes the mistake of letting Reggie and Devin talk about the Netflix incarnation of Daredevil, so they refuse to shut up about Wilson and Vanessa for an hour. At some point we remember to make an OC and we give you our take on Mister Fear. We turn him into a bisexual theater goth so if any of that sounds fun give us a listen, but I'm not your dad. Do what you want.

S1E68 - Disco Elysium - Whatsisname the Maintenance Man

in this, the long awaited disco elysium episode, we dare to ask questions like: does amber autumn have bad opinions? just how bad are amber autumn's opinions? should we hate amber autumn for her vile opinions? does amber autumn deserve violence for her horrible, indefensible opinions? should we kill amber autumn? should we revel in the joy of killing amber autumn? and why shouldn't your name be raphael?