S1E6 - 6: Mortal Kombat - Balor the Broken

Learn why Devin doesn’t like Mortal Kombat

S1E4 - 4: Quest for Camelot

Devin has more thoughts and feeling and Quest for Camelot than any living person and talks until Amber has to remind him the point of the podcast is not make OCs. But since we made you wait so long for the main course we give you a double serving! That’s right TWO whole OCs

S1E3 - 3: Gilmore Girls

Amber is extremely excited to give Devin all her hottest takes on a show he’s never seen. Which boys suck? which boys are puppies? And do we make the best boyfriend that never was? learn all this and more!

S1E2 - 2: Norse Mythology

Devin gives an unrehearsed lecture on Norse Mythology and Amber nods along patiently

S1E1 - 1: Gravity Falls - April the Fool

It’s the first episode hopefully we get better. We cover the much beloved Gravity Falls so no pressure