S1E37 - High School D&D AU - Part 1 The Set-up

the most self indulgent episode we’ve ever made. Full stop.

S1E36 - STAR WARS MONTH: How We’d Do A Star Wars Story

Time stamps in the episode description

The final episode of The inaugural Star Wars month and we close things out with a bang! Did we kind of make the same movie? Did Amber make lesbians in space? Did Devin come with 5 pages of notes? All this and more shall be answered

time stamps:

2:25 - Question of the Day

9:45 - Amber’s pitch

19:45 - Devin’s pitch

1:03 - after pitch care

S1E35 - STAR WARS MONTH: Padawan - Gorrul Nesbitt the Star Pupil

In today’s episode of Star Wars month, topics include: The Northman, break up stories, and the nature of fan fiction. Amber also continues to out herself as a prequels apologist so we should all continue to shame her in the public square.

(Unlocked patron episode) - Dungeons and Daddies season 2 (Ft. Hans)

SEE WHATS BEHIND OUR TOTALLY REAL PAY WALL LOSERS!!! in today’s episode Hans and Devin discuss the Evolution of their pre made OC Bull. Listen to us talk about a podcast that is better than the one your currently listening to

S1E34 - STAR WARS MONTH: Bounty Hunter - Terrnt the Abandoned

It’s not a spelling error, it’s Star Wars spelling

With STAR WARS MONTH still in full effect our intrepid podcasters set out on a perilous quest to set the record straight on bounty hunter origin and characterization that is no longer canon! Was Bossk ever more that a cool design? Was Dengar the most interesting? (Yes, the answer is real go read his short story) was Boba Fett ever cool? All will be answered. We even bring back a Star Wars race lost in the Disney buyout.

S1E33 - STAR WARS MONTH: Droid Sidekick - PL-3 the Klepto

our hiatus comes to an end with a BANG! via the start of a whole themed month. Hope you’re not tired of Star Wars, because we sure aren’t.

please be sure to share, like, and review. Or don’t, I’m not you’re mom, but it would make me happy.

S1E32 - 32: Toon Link - The Thrombles the Elementals

Apologies for the audio issues on this episode, my mic was at the end of her life.

We hope you like things that aren’t Legend Of Zelda because we spent almost the whole episode talking about anything but that.

S1E31 - 31: Bugs (feat. Izaak) - ZomBEE The B-Movie Bee

an episode made to get our guest host a good grade, thus making it the most informal episode we’ve ever made. it’s also possibly the most revolting episode we’ve ever made. correlation currently unknown.

S1E30 - 30: How We'd Do The Creeper

Episode Notes

can your favorite hosts find the one character defining run this obscure superhero has always needed? Will Devin explain the convoluted history of his favorite superhero? Is Amber too depressed for podcasting? Maybe possibly some of these things will be answered

S1E29 - 29: The 100 (feat. Reggie) - Vigo the Tank

Episode Notes

were joined by long time friend of the pod Reggie to talk about the 100. Our assumptions about what a CW show can be are challenged and Devin steams rolls the character building by just talking about Rocky, classic Devin move